Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Unbelievable Kindness

"Thank God
every morning when you get up,
that you have something to do that day which must be done...
will breed in you temperance and self-control,
diligence and strength of will,
cheerfulness and content,
and a hundred virtues which the idle never know."
~Charles Kingsley
222. the freedom to choose to home educate my children
223. new school books
224. the excitement of a new school year starting
225. fresh pencils
226. never-written-in notebooks
227. lessons to plan
228. dishes to clean
229. clothes to fold
230. floors to mop
231. bottoms to wipe
232. toilets to swish
233. furniture to dust
234. food to cook
235. a porch to tidy
236. a car to vacuum
237. hobby supplies to organize
238. toys to give away
239. shoes to put away
240. Oh! and music...where do I start?
241. friends with lawn equipment
242. a free truck for Ben, just as his old one quits- His provision is unbelievable!

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